The challenges of finding the right medication
It can be a challenge to find the right medication to treat depression.
In general, medication does not cure depression but it can alleviate the symptoms. Unfortunately for some people antidepressants can cause side effects. Often there’s a period of waiting for several weeks before it’s possible to judge how effective a medication is for a particular person. If the medication isn’t working effectively then a higher dose might be tried or the medication might be switched.
Doctors or psychiatrists usually prescribe anti-depressants taking into account a number of factors; your symptoms, potential side effects, whether the medication has worked for a relative, interaction with other medications, whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding or other health conditions. Depending on the health system, cost of the treatment may also be a factor.
If the first medication or even the second medication prescribed is not successful then the patient may find themselves experiencing what can be described as playing anti-depressant roulette.
The search for the most appropriate medication can be costly in financial and emotional terms. And the patient might also experience snowball effects as a result of switching medications.